Challenging what is possible

Challenging what is possible

Regeneration of our natural resources is vital in tackling climate change. Many businesses in the circular economy find it hard to close the loop on regeneration but being a skincare business gives us the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Not only are our products designed to support the skin's natural ability to regenerate, they also begin with nature. We are a 100% natural and vegan brand, using organic ingredients wherever possible. So it stands to reason that we should want to give back to nature.

We source ethically and sustainably and repurpose natural ingredients that would otherwise go to waste. But from the beginning, I wanted to go beyond this and give back to the earth that provides us with our beautiful plant ingredients in the first place. With this in mind I am working on exciting plans with a regenerative farming project, to begin growing our own ingredients from next year.

We set aside 10% of our profits to support regeneration and we are currently researching projects in the UK to preserve and protect ancient woodlands and peatlands. Natural regeneration of these precious ecosystems results in greater biodiversity and more secure carbon storage.

While we already reuse and recycle, it has always been important to me to look for opportunities for regeneration within our packaging. Researching what is possible has been a real passion project over the past year and I am delighted to introduce compostable packaging to replace the majority of our glass jars.

Our new packaging is made from wood-chip reclaimed as a by-product from industry processes - giving this 'waste' material a new lease of life. At the end of its life, if treated properly, it breaks down without leaving any microplastics behind. We are also introducing a returns scheme so that when your pots are finished with, they can be sent away to be composted. The resulting compost will be used for soil restoration.

And so the circle begins again.